Your Story Matters – Share It Anonymously

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All About Hikeyati

Hikayati is a mobile app designed to give you the freedom to share your life stories anonymously, without fear of judgment or criticism. Whether you’re looking to vent about a recent breakup, share your success story, or interact with others who have gone through similar struggles, Hikayati is the perfect place to do so.

Our app is designed to provide a safe and comfortable space for you to express yourself freely. You can choose to remain anonymous and share your stories without revealing your identity, giving you the confidence to speak openly about your deepest thoughts and feelings.

Hikayati is more than just a social media app; it’s a platform where your stories matter. We believe that everyone has a story to tell, and that’s why we created this app – to give you the power to share your untold stories.

Features That Matter

The Reasons You’ll Love It

Anonymity - nameless

offers users the option to remain anonymous, allowing them to share their stories without fear of judgment or criticism.

Anonymity - nameless

Hikayati offers users the option to remain anonymous, allowing them to share their stories without fear of judgment or criticism.

Safe and comfortable space

Hikayati is designed to provide a safe and comfortable space for users to express themselves freely.

Safe and comfortable space

Hikayati is designed to provide a safe and comfortable space for users to express themselves freely.

Emphasis on personal stories

Hikayati is not just another social media app; it's a platform that places a special emphasis on personal stories.

Emphasis on personal stories

Hikayati is not just another social media app; it’s a platform that places a special emphasis on personal stories.

Get in touch

Download Hikeyati App Today!