1) As with any website-based service, it’s important to use proper judgment when interacting with people online


2) You should never share or disclose your password with any third party – even if they’re your friend. If you lose your password or give it away, your personal data could be at risk of being breached


3) Always be cautious about giving out personal information if you don’t know someone well. This includes revealing your personal information, email address, instant messaging program details, full name, and your addresses. Also, never share your financial information, such as your credit card details.


4) Be particularly aware of people who claim to represent our company or other companies and who ask you to pay or deliver a prize or service that hasn’t been provided. Also, exercise extreme caution with people who claim to be in distress and need financial help – these are often scams.


5) Don’t use a controversial or provocative username – this could attract the wrong type of attention


6) If you encounter any inappropriate behavior, click on the link to report abuse and our team will be alerted immediately. If you feel uncomfortable with other members or exchanges, block the user, or notify our support team. We aim to deal with these matters as quickly as possible and have a detailed quality management system to monitor this aspect.


Mode of use :

  • Download the Hikeyati app from the Google Play Store.
  • Create an account by signing up with your email address.
  • Once you’re signed in, you can start sharing your stories anonymously by clicking on the “add post” button.
  • Write your story in the text box provided and add any relevant images if desired.
  • When you’re finished, click the “Post” button to publish your story to the Hikeyati -community.
  • You can also browse through other users’ stories and interact with them by leaving comments or reactions.

Remember to use Hikeyati responsibly and respectfully, and to adhere to the terms and conditions of the app.